  • Jun 2 2018 - 14:54
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Will Be Realized by the National Science Foundation;

Direction of elites of the country toward border-breaking sciences

Direction of elites of the country toward border-breaking sciences

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the science room is the science monitoring chamber. This complex follows up a science that forms new and effective civilizations in production of wealth and smart power based on the opinions of the scientists in Iran and the world. This room recognizes and tracks studies with its research intelligence, which will probably receive the top scientific reward of the world, so that the research and science body of the country could be effectively used in performing studies. The pride of these activities is the sign of raising the science flag of the country. In this regard and in order to evaluate the future of science in the world by the national science foundation, a chamber called the room of science has been established to monitor the science and technology condition in various areas of the world.

In this respect, missions have been defined for the room, which generally involve the recognition of a set of sciences that will affect the future of humans. In this area, top professors of the country along with advanced tools and focus on path of science and fundamental studies will significantly help the young elites of the society.

After determining the priorities, creating a “research information management system” at the national level can lead to intersectoral coordination in the area of focusing on priorities. Evaluation of research activities both at organizational and national levels will results in the more participation of Iran to break the knowledge borders and improve the situation of Iran in international indicators and receiving more reward by Iranian scholars and scientific institutes.

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  • News code : 34899


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