  • May 22 2019 - 14:15
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  • Study time : 4 minute(s)
Sattari in Meeting with Members of the Assembly of Representatives of Markazi Province in the Islamic Consultative Assembly:

Development must be based on the ecosystem of the province

Development must be based on the ecosystem of the province

Emphasizing the fact that endogenous development leads to progress and occupation creation, the vice president for science and technology affairs stated: the infrastructure and thought behind development must be retrieved from the province"s ecosystem.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the members of the assembly of representatives of Markazi Province met with the vice president for science and technology affairs on May 20th, 2019.

In this meeting, Sattari expressed: it is important for ecosystems to establish comfort for their entrepreneurs. The infrastructure and though behind development must be based on the province’s ecosystem.

The vice president for science and technology affairs considered supplying the technological and advanced needs, especially in the field of sanctioned goods, as a priority for knowledge-based companies in the current year, adding: attempts have been made to supply the sanctioned goods, especially in the field of medicine. Arak has the capacity to take steps toward meeting industrial needs. However, it is important to involve the private sector.

Potential of Markazi Province to Become Knowledge-based

In another part of the meeting, Seyed Mahdi Moghadasi, head of the assembly of representatives and the representative of people of Arak, talked about the potential of this province to become knowledge-based, continuing: this province has 78 knowledge-based companies, 31 of which are based in the science and technology park. In total, 157 technological units are active in the park. With regard to the proximity of the province to the capital of Iran and presence of industrial centers and infrastructures, Markazi province has many features for becoming knowledge-based.

According to Moghadasi, these companies have exported three million Euros, which is low but can be increased by making the current capacities of the province efficient.

The representative of people of Arak, Komijan, and Khandab in the Islamic Consultative Assembly stated: we have aimed to increase the association between the science and technology park and industrial and production units. If we are able to provide the environment for work of educated youth in the province and its universities, we will witness the advancement of the province.

He pointed out the establishment of the innovation center in Arak with the support of industrial centers and universities, affirming: steps have been taken for the innovation department, the process of inauguration of which will be accelerated in case of infrastructural support by the Vice-Presidency.

According to Moghadasi, Markazi Province has been allocated two percent of science and technology parks and eight percent of the population. However, this province has the capacity to be turned into an innovation pole.

In another part of the meeting, Mohammad Reza Mansouri, the representative of Saveh and Zarandieh, explained the potential capacities of these cities for knowledge-based growth, claiming: agricultural products of these cities are exported, which is only a part of the capacities of Markazi Province that could be flourished by integrating knowledge and innovation.

He also introduced tourism industry as another domestic advantage of this area and expressed his hope for proper effectiveness of these capacities on the economy by the support of the Vice-Presidency.

Mohammad Ebrahim Rezai, the representative of people of Khomein, also pointed out the entrance of knowledge-based companies and acceleration of development, asserting: some companies are active in the field of medicine in the province, which have had proper achievements and have been able to finalize their products. However, they must be supported.

Support of Laboratory Equipment by the Vice-Presidency

Peyman Salehi, deputy of technology innovation and commercialization development headquarter, expressed: infrastructural support as well as equipment have been provided by the Vice-Presidency. In addition, we have supported a series of laboratory equipment and goods.

Salehi mentioned the mechanism for leasing support and discount on purchasing laboratory equipment, stating: we have the mechanism of exhibition of laboratory equipment made in Iran to support the purchase of equipment. In this regard, universities and research centers of Markazi Province have received support.

He added: in terms of advanced technology towns, we recommend laying the foundation for presence of the private sector to develop this issue. Therefore, lands must be allocated to the private sector to create sustainable development.

Helping the Formation of Research and Technology Fund

Ghaderifar, head of the strategic technologies development center, affirmed in another part of the meeting: the Vice-Presidency pays attention to domestic advantages. This province has suitable medical plants capacity, for which two contracts have been concluded between knowledge-based companies and the medical plants headquarter. In addition, contracts have been concluded in the field of creative industries with the value of five billion rials.

He pointed out the infrastructural support of development of knowledge-based companies and startups by the Vice-Presidency, mentioning: the Vice-Presidency contributes to the formation of research and technology fund in the province and flourishing of startups with the cooperation of the private sector. This support is carried out in line with the development of ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.

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  • News code : 44237


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