  • Dec 25 2022 - 12:42
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Dehghani: We are seriously looking to provide university supply-oriented services and products to domestic industries and foreign markets

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that the goal-oriented and market-oriented activities of universities have specific customers, said: for the supply-oriented activities that do not have this feature, the program of providing services and products to the devices, industries of the country and foreign markets must be followed seriously.

The ceremony of honoring the selected researchers and technologists of Sharif University of Technology in 2022 was held today in the presence of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy at the university.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stated on the sidelines of the ceremony: In this ceremony, which was held on the occasion of the Sharif University Research Week, researchers were honored in the field of science, research, technology and innovation in this university.

He continued: Sharif University of Technology has always been a shining gem in the country and also an influential pole in educating young people and solving complex technological issues in the country. This year, by God's grace, with the efforts of young people working in this country and with the help of veteran professors and university administrators, another golden page was recorded in the honors of the university.

He continued: We definitely have a special look at Sharif University of Technology in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy and National Elites Foundation.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, referring to the degree of application in the research of universities including Sharif University of Technology, said: Sharif University of Technology is generally at the edge of the attack for technology development in the country, and most of the clients of the university's research and technology services are real capitals. The university has the first rank in the field of industry relations contracts among all universities in the country. In addition, the innovation district formed around the university is quite active in the market.

Dehghani clarified: Generally, the activities that are carried out in this university are goal-oriented and market-oriented and have a specific customer; however, for those activities that are supply-oriented, we also seriously follow the plan of providing products to the devices and industries of the country and foreign markets.

Also, in this ceremony, Ruhollah Dehghani was honored as an exemplary researcher of the year.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


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