  • Mar 4 2023 - 14:02
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Dehghani: We are looking for the ability and influence of elites in the country/26 Prominent projects will be implemented on knowledge-based centered consortia.

A press conference was held to introduce the supporting regulations of the National Elites Foundation in the presence of the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the President of the Center for Strategic Studies of the Presidency and a group of media members.

Ruhollah Dehghani, head of the National Elites Foundation, while congratulating the Shabaniyah holidays and the coming of Youth Day, said: attention to educated young people and elites is one of the most obvious issues that every informed society puts on the top of its work, and the use of top talents while solving the problems of the society, that provides for the development of governance processes.

Dehghani, pointing out that the first component of the elite after empowerment is the impact of the elite on its society, said: the concept of elite and land are inextricably linked, and the elites of a nation are a symbol of the country's scientific status, capacities, and abilities that strive to have influence and effectiveness in the promotion and development of their land.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stated that the purpose of drafting and approving the elite support regulations is to form a comprehensive and coherent package for the support and development of the country's elite society and said: Until now, support for the elites was inconsistent and scattered. There was, after continuous efforts, approved by the government board, whose implementation next year is the main program of the National Elites Foundation.

Dehghani stated that the mission of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy is streamlining and coordination in 5 core areas, and continued: The first area on which streamlining and coordination should be done seriously is thinking. Think tanks play an important role in the development of knowledge-based economy, and on this basis, supporting think tanks is one of the priorities of this Vice Presidency.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy called the second axis as scientific development and said: the most central goal of the vice presidency of science in the coming year is to use the arm of the fund to support the country's researchers and technologists while identifying, evaluating and supporting prominent people who can boost the production of science, support the field of science production.

Dehghani also considered the mission and goals for the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy as a stream of support for the development of technology and said: for the future of the country to have an accelerated and growing trend, we must give space to the development of technology.

He mentioned the development of knowledge-based economy as the fifth and most important axis of the activities of this vice presidency and added: I believe that all the mentioned areas will remain stable and develop only if a suitable economic model is defined for them. The main and central effort in the vice presidency of science is to provide the basis for improving the business environment, creating a real market for knowledge-based companies, and finally moving the economy towards becoming knowledge-based.

Implementation of 26 prominent projects on knowledge-based centered consortia

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, referring to the definition and implementation of up to 26 prominent projects, will be defined using the power of Iranian elites and non-resident Iranian elites with an investment of one billion euros, so that while attracting elites, the people will benefit from its fruits at the level of living.

He defined the definition of these plans as food security, mining, information technology, mining and other areas that we hope the society will benefit from the benefits of these plans.

Dehghani, pointing out that the 26 prominent projects worth more than one billion euros will be implemented with the participation of a group of knowledge-based companies, said: These projects will be implemented by consortia including large knowledge-based companies and operators.

Dehghani continued: This issue is a model and an exercise for doing transformative and important work in the country with cooperation and teamwork. For lasting effects, we need driving companies, and the formation of these consortia takes place in the form of interaction and cooperation between companies.

Prosperity of cooperation program with international experts and entrepreneurs

The head of the National Elites Foundation, referring to the 3-fold increase in the acceptance of the Entrepreneurs and International Professionals (Connect) program, said: Fortunately, in the form of the Connect program, the greatest capacity was created for communication and interaction. Although there is immigration, we should do our best so that the elite people, wherever they are in the world, maintain their connection with their country, and every Iranian elite is a kind of ambassador of our country in the field of science and technology in that part of the world.

Referring to the evolution of the indicators of elite recognition and evaluation of elites, he emphasized: In the first step, the elite indicators should be changed towards effectiveness, and in the second step, the field of elites should be expanded. We have politicians, philosophers, businessmen, poets, entrepreneurs and skilled people who have a tremendous influence in the country and should be included in the definition of elite.

Dehghani, stating that in the new definition of the elite, attention should be paid to the weight of the elite and their growth rate, added: Attention to the elite should be proportional to the amount of impact they create and also the effective growth that their activity leads to. For example, the influence created by an elite with 10 million Tomans is different from an elite who makes the same impact with one billion Tomans.

Dehghani stated that the country needs to recruit young and educated manpower, it is an inevitable fact and in this regard, the process of recruiting elites in the country's executive bodies is followed, he said: the process of recruiting elites in the country's executive bodies, until now, is based on recruitment It was through administrative examination, but now we are witnessing a new experience path.

He hopes that by reforming the system of identification and evaluation of elites by the National Elites Foundation, we will witness more influence of the elites in the growth process of the country, he continued: the country's legal path has obstacles and limitations that many measures should be taken to facilitate it. In this direction, the will and determination of the National Elites Foundation is serious in realizing the process of recruiting elites in the administrative structure of the country.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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