  • Apr 30 2023 - 14:24
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Gathering of creative and innovation houses managers;

Dehghani: Creative companies have the same importance and status as knowledge-based companies.

With the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, a group meeting of managers of creative and innovation houses was held.

In this event, which was held with the support by the development of cultural and soft technologies headquarters in vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, a number of managers of creative and innovation houses gathered to share their capabilities, experiences, concerns, plans in an intimate and unmediated atmosphere. Talk about the future in the support and development of creative industries with the Vice President of Science and Technology.

In this meeting, Ruhollah Dehghani emphasized that creativity is an integral part and the driving force behind the knowledge-based economy, and continued: "Creativity" and "technology" are two strategic and decisive wings in the progress of the knowledge-based economy. In this movement, if the wing of creativity is not more important than the wing of technology, it is at least as important. I believe that the most significant added value and popularization of the Dutch-based economy is the part related to creativity, and creative companies play a strategic role in this field.

The future of the country is in the hands of creatives

Dehghani, stating that the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy seeks to increase the scope of creative companies' influence, continued: Accordingly, next to the Development of Cultural and Soft Technologies Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science, a general department under the title of the General Department of Creative Economy has been formed. This shows the high importance of this field. With the continuous and serious follow-up by the Vice Presidency of Science, the necessary grounds have been provided so that creative companies can also benefit from the benefits of the law supporting knowledge-based companies.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered the creative economy to be a popular and market-making aspect of the knowledge-based economy and said: I believe that the field of the creative economy will benefit sooner for several reasons, the most important of which is its future and close connection with people's lives. Faster productivity and the need for less investment, along with more comprehensive returns, are among the other advantages of the creative economy.

"Creative and innovation houses" a platform for creativity to enter the market

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that in the new definition of the evaluation of knowledge-based companies, creative companies have the same status and dignity as these companies, added: There are many definitions of innovation in the world, and one of these definitions combines innovation. Creatively knows several technologies. The entry and responsibility of the Vice Presidency of Science in the creative field, while there are institutions in charge of cultural and artistic products in the society, is based on a far-sighted and innovation-oriented perspective. The Vice Presidency of Science is in charge of supporting creativity and innovation, so he supports innovative areas. Creative companies also benefit from technology, but creativity in these companies is more colorful, just as knowledge-based companies also benefit from creativity, but their main reliance is on technology.

Based on the new definition, companies that rely more on technology are considered knowledge-based companies, and those companies that are more creative are considered creative companies; These two types of companies do not differ from each other in terms of importance, effectiveness and prioritization, and both are equally important in the cycle of knowledge-based economy.

He added: Based on this definition, creative and innovation houses are platforms for the connection between technology and innovation and the formation of creative companies in various subject areas. Creative and innovation houses provide equipment and infrastructure in that particular subject to those who are creative but want to connect their creativity to the market. Creative houses help individuals or teams to turn the gem of creativity into a marketable and competitive product and service.

Referring to the support of provincial creative and innovation houses, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, especially in deprived areas, said: by the end of this year, up to 500 billion tomans will be formed for investment by the end of this year with the methods of leveraging several specialized funds. May it flow in the veins of creative and cultural industries.

He stated that in the new structure of company evaluation, there is no conflict between a company being creative and knowledge-based, he said: Many creative companies benefit from technology as much as creativity, and a creative company can also be knowledge-based. In the new evaluation structure of knowledge-based companies, companies will be classified based on performance, dimensions and growth rate.

Dehghani said: "All my efforts are to ensure that, in addition to creating relevant and effective knowledge-based products, we will witness the creation of some lasting and transformative creative works." With its capacities, this group can be the biggest promoter, advertiser and developer of the creative economy

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90827

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