  • Feb 28 2023 - 14:16
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Dehghani at the unveiling of Parsian Experience Studio: The future of economies that want to develop is focused on intangible assets

With the presence of the Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the first experience studio was unveiled at Parsian Data Processing Company.

In this ceremony, Ruhollah Dehghani emphasized that the capacity of concepts such as fintech, innovation center and technology parks should be used in the way of valuing intangible assets, he continued: In the ecosystem of technology and innovation, we have used many concepts and titles, but often before we use the previous concept completely and correctly, we use a new concept. It is necessary to take advantage of previous experiences and apply existing concepts in a real way.

Emphasizing that in many cases learning should be a priority and there is no need to create and re-experience a new concept, he added: the innovation center is a concept of the same kind. Innovation centers are formed in connection with industry and in the heart of industries to inject emerging values such as intellectual and intangible assets into the industry.

Dehghani pointed out that innovation centers connect problems and needs to innovative answers and said: technology is obtained from knowledge processing and innovation is formed from combining several technologies. Universities are producers of innovation centers link the needs of industries to this innovation.

Pointing out that fintechs and concepts like Experience Studio also have a similar mission, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy added: I hope this Experience Studio complex is a real innovation center that creates a connection between need and problem solving. Fintechs are among those concepts that, although we have discussed them a lot, we have done less in their formation and development. The headquarters for the development of digital economy technologies and intelligence in the Vice Presidency of Science has been formed for this purpose to speed up the development process of these centers.

Pointing out that the need to pay attention to intangible assets is the main priority in the knowledge-based economy, he continued: Today, physical and hardware capitals are stabilizing in value or declining in terms of value. In contrast to the decline of physical resources and fixed assets, non-physical and intangible assets have received the attention of developed countries. The direction of the world is towards the valuation of intangible assets and many of these innovative centers are formed along the management and supervision of those intangible assets.

The head of the National Elites Foundation continued: Any country that wants to boost the gross national product must define an appropriate and efficient mechanism for valuing intangible assets.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that increasing the share of knowledge-based economy in the gross domestic product depends on paying attention to the importance and valuation of intangible assets, added: the stable pillar of the knowledge-based economy is intangible assets, and in the countries of the world, valuation and attention to Intangible assets have a significant share of the economy, while the share of this field in our country is less than 3%.

He also added: In the not too distant future, the use of intangible assets will play a major role in the country's economy, and companies that pioneer in this direction will be successful with an innovative approach.

Cooperation and cooperation with the Vice Presidency of Science in the development of knowledge-based economy

Kourosh Parvizian, the CEO of Parsian Bank, also mentioned in this ceremony, referring to the creation of support mechanisms for knowledge-based companies: Parsian Bank has defined and implemented a good cooperation with the Vice Presidency of Science in the field of innovative and knowledge-based activities. Good steps have been taken in the areas of venture capital and innovative financial solutions, and Parsian Bank is trying to be a good partner in supporting knowledge-based companies.

Referring to the creation of the Experience Studio to support startups in this field, he said: The first charitable venture fund in the knowledge-based field was established by Parsian Bank. In the field of deep waters, a memorandum of understanding is being implemented between the Vice Presidency of Science and this group.

It should be mentioned that Parsian Data Processing Company operates as an arm of Parsian Bank in the field of information technology, and in this regard, it has put the support of innovative units on the agenda.

Guiding policies and implementing medium-term and long-term programs for software and information and communication technology, entering the new fields of e-commerce, new financial solutions, and entering emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and block chain are among the programs of this company.

Innopars is the gateway to innovative projects in the field of fintech in Parsian data processing and tries to help startups in attracting material capital and smart capital, their development and progress by putting together the components of a financial ecosystem.



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