  • Jan 7 2023 - 09:47
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Dehghani among Iranian experts and entrepreneurs abroad: Elites are the main owners of the technology market

In an intimate meeting, Iranian experts and entrepreneurs met with the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy and talked about the concerns, challenges and benefits facing the elites to return and work in the country.

The cooperation program with Iranian experts and entrepreneurs abroad is one of the successful programs in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy to restore and use the capacities and power of elites who have left Iran to continue their education, work and life. A program that has so far managed to return more than 2 thousand elites to Iran.

"Using the scientific and professional capacity of Iranian experts abroad in the scientific, technological and industrial centers of the country", "Improving the scientific and professional level of the host bases", "Providing suitable conditions for the development of emerging and advanced technologies in the country", "Creating the conditions for the transfer of new skills, methods and service capabilities by Iranian experts from abroad to the country" and "helping the establishment of technology companies in advanced technology fields" are among the goals that this program pursues.

We increase the role of elites in high management levels

  After listening to the talks and suggestions of the returning elites, Ruhollah Dehghani, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointed out that the vice presidency of science seeks to make the role of elites more serious in the administration of the country's affairs, and said: One of the plans is that between 18 to 20 national mega-plans by creating a consortium of knowledge-based companies, technologists, artisans, operators and financiers of the plans, so that a fair and rational market will be created for these companies.

He added: The creation of national centers in specialized fields is another action that we are seriously pursuing in the vice presidency of science. Centers that will be managed with the support of the public sector and managed by the private sector.

The head of National Elites Foundation further pointed out that the Vice Presidency of Science is one of the institutions that is in line with the suggestions and concerns of your elites, and stated: The team of the Vice Presidency is 100% in agreement with the points and issues raised, and this is perhaps a rare event that the opinions of the audience It is one and the same with the corresponding device. Therefore, we can go together to solve the defects and problems.

He stated: Among our serious problems in the field of elites are incorrect definitions that belong to this class, which are sometimes harmful and wrong. In my opinion, there is a general definition for elite, and that definition is that the elite is higher and more special than the people around them due to having some special characteristics, and this elite is not only in knowledge, but also in management, financing, business, etc. prove the excellence of the person.

Let's redefine elite

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy believes that we should redefine the national definition of elite and consider people who have effective talent that can be actualized as elite, so applying this special attribute only to graduates is a strategic mistake.

The head of National Elites Foundation added: One of the distinct characteristics of the elites is patriotism. That a person considers himself committed to stay with the country even in difficult situations and strive for development and passing through its historical twists and turns. An elite person insists on his beliefs and convictions. We should include the identity of patriotism in primary and university education.


Consider Iranian elites abroad as ambassadors of Iran

Pointing out that we should look at the Iranian elites who live and work abroad as ambassadors of the Islamic Republic, he said: With this view, we should try to use the capacity of these people to develop international markets and introduce the capabilities of the country. These ambassadors can be the best contacts between Iran and other countries. We should not just insist on their return.

Dehghani did not consider the return of the elites to be only a return from the physical borders and said: Many Iranian elites who live in other countries have their hearts with this land and homeland. Therefore, we should respect these people and have an effective identity and interact with them. These connections can be maintained without forcing them to return.

In this 3-hour meeting, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, in another part of his speech, pointed out that all over the world, the main audience of technology are economic enterprises, industries and governments, and stated: In Iran, the market of these elites should be first to provide and then to insist on their return. This market also needs infrastructures that Hekmat-Bonyan University, knowledge-based companies that create technology, large technology-based industries, and innovation centers are its most important links.

Innovation is necessary for the development of technology

He added: Innovation is the most important need of the technology market and elites are the best owners of it. In fact, the use of technology is necessary for the realization of innovation. For this reason, one of the serious missions of the Vice Presidency of Science in the new era is that considers itself the representative of the elites in the government, councils, specialized commissions, etc., and seeks to create an elite flow in the governing sector.


Dehghani considered the creation of super companies or technology giants as the basic solution for the development of the country and continued: We in the Vice Presidency of Science seek to choose technology giants as the leaders of startups and start-up companies. The elites continue to move the technology giants, and the government with the right rails will facilitate this flow movement.

Referring to the weakness of the country in some fields and specialized fields, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: One of the wrong solutions is that we seek to expand all technological fields for development, while we do not have many national advantages in them. Instead of this, we should create a consortium of knowledge-based companies so that we can develop in some emerging fields that are needed by the country.


Include open innovation training in training protocols

He called the teaching of open innovation in schools and universities an undeniable necessity and said: we must change educational paradigms to lead schools and universities towards the training of innovative forces for the future of the country. This will ensure the development of Iran.

The head of National Elites Foundation believes that one of the necessary measures to identify and efficiently attract Iranian elites and entrepreneurs abroad is the establishment of technology consultants in Iranian embassies and added: these consultants should seek interaction and find elites in the target countries. They are used to meet the needs of the country and connect them to the needs to solve that problem.


A new and excellent generation of the Vice Presidency of Science is formed

Dehghani pointed out that the Vice Presidency of Science seeks to create a new and superior form of the Vice Presidency, especially in interaction with companies and elites, and added: in this new model; The policies, missions, support and services defined for these two groups will change and we will make our interactions more transparent and public. Creating a network of knowledge-based companies is one of these measures.

He continued: If an elite or an entrepreneur who has the experience of living, studying and working in other countries intends to return to the country, he must accept that Iran has special conditions from an internal point of view. But despite these conditions, the space is open for someone who intends to be really effective and work. However, he must accept all the shortcomings and obstacles that will sometimes be in front of them and seek to solve them. Of course, these problems exist all over the world, but they show the challenges of our country bigger than it is.

Dehghani called himself the representative of the elites in the government and added: I am not only a representative of the knowledge-based companies, but I am trying to bring the opinions and solutions of the elites into the governance process by interacting with the elites. This work will facilitate the entry of the elite into the high levels of the country's administration.

Communicate real news and support

The head of National Elites Foundation stated that one of the duties of the managers in the technology and innovation ecosystem is to provide true and real news and said: inform the measures and support that you can handle. Not to send the elites back to the country with some services that cannot be provided and disappoint them. In my opinion, the cooperation program with Iranian professionals and entrepreneurs abroad is a good and efficient program that needs to improve its services and rules.

He added: This program should prioritize networking among Iranian elites abroad, and this network should become the basis for connecting elites to the real needs of the country. The support provided to these people should be continuous and after returning; Do not leave them alone. Another point is that these supports and interactions should be provided before they leave and the children in other countries should know that their connection with Iran and the government system and startups has not been cut off. These supports should be financial, spiritual, cultural and political.

Private economy cannot be defined for public economy

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy believes that in some fields, such as oil, it is not possible to define the private economy. This solution may work in the digital economy, but it does not work in all areas. We should look for a native definition of the economy in the country. Creating local centers in specialized fields can be an effective solution.

Referring to the change in the mechanism of the new generation universities with the old ones; He said: "The old system of university administration, which trained people and human resources for government centers, is no longer the answer, and new generation universities should seek to train entrepreneurial personnel."

According to Dehghani, the support circle of the the Vice Presidency of Science includes all the elites and is trying to remove the obstacles facing the activities of the elites and active startups in the country. If we can change the rules and opportunities for creating the hypermarket market, 50% of the problems facing the technology and innovation ecosystem will be solved.


Creating an elite government is a priority

The head of National Elites Foundation considered the creation of an elite government to be necessary and said: This will help the elites enter the government arenas. In this program, we try to take some of the duties and activities of government institutions from them and give them to the elites so that they can meet these needs. This will help influence the elites in governance.

He also said: let's all rise together to reform the worn out and obstructing structures in the country with the help of the thinking system and elites.


Raised Concerns

The elites present in this 3-hour and intimate meeting raised some of their concerns, including "strengthening systems and programs to support foreign elites", "creating informal communications and networks between elites abroad and domestic managers." ", "Creating technical and financial exchanges with the elites", "Giving identity to the elites", "Creating large companies in various industries under the leadership of the elites", "Continuing support for the elites who have returned to their homeland", "Creating problem-oriented schools", "Shaping universities International", "clarification of support mechanisms", "removal of obstacles to the creation of knowledge-based companies and startups", "creating support platforms from the beginning of migration" and so on.


The Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 89768

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