  • Nov 29 2022 - 13:38
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Dehghani Firouzabadi: It is necessary to develop nano technology with an efficient and intelligent model

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy met and talked with the managers of the headquarters for the development of nanotechnology.

One of the priorities of Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, is to receive the performance report of the 11 headquarters, vice-chairs and centers in the vice presidency of science , and to understand the existing environment and the measures taken in recent years, to identify the existing needs and priorities; The implementation of new programs should be keyed and the previously executable projects should also be accelerated.

The managers in various departments of the Nano Technology Development Headquarters as the first hosts of these visits; They presented a report of their performance and actions in these years and discussed their problems and needs.

Nano staff should seek to make an impact

After listening to the report presented in this collection, Dehghani Firouzabadi said: This headquarters has performed well and acceptable in the field of scientific development. My advice to the headquarters managers is to use this model for technology development and define and formulate all its legal and support mechanisms.

He added: The headquarters should put the direct entry into the power-generating areas on the agenda and only steer the other executive areas.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy emphasized: the headquarters should seek to find technological challenges in the country and help the vice presidency of science to use strategic technologies to solve problems.

The head of the nanotechnology development headquarters compared the 11 strategic technology development headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy to needleworkers who are responsible for laying rails in the field of science and technology and said: these headquarters can make a big knot with a small move. Open the country and support the actors of the ecosystem of technology and innovation and direct them towards the production of products and providing the right services.

Referring to the Supreme Leader's emphasis on the implementation of the camp work model, he said: the camp is not an organization with the tail and large government agencies, offices and special facilities, but it is a jihadi work with expert and influential people at its disposal with joint actions. they promote synergy and move in the same direction.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy described the measures taken in the headquarters in recent years as acceptable and continued: Streamlining and promoting concepts related to nanotechnology in the country has performed well and has provided the infrastructure for the development of nanotechnology.

He called streamlining in the scientific field one of the good actions of this headquarters and said: "Now is the time for the Nano Headquarters to enter the field of technology development and take advantage of its successful model for scientific development in the field of technology development." In this model, support should lead to the increase of independent and efficient knowledge-based companies to solve the technological problems and challenges of the country.

Iran becomes the flag bearer of new nano technologies

Saeed Sarkar, Secretary of the Nanotechnology Development Staff in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, also presented the performance report of this staff in this meeting and said: We have tried to develop the value chain of nanotechnology in the country in a complete way from promotion to development. cover human resources and infrastructure provision. We set our main goal to increase people's welfare and generate wealth from science and technology.

He added: "We faced serious challenges to start work, one of these problems; It was to institutionalize the concept, why, importance and necessity of nanotechnology development in the country and among officials, university professors and people. Until today, we have progressed in such a way that this society is fully familiar with the achievements and necessities of nanotechnology in their lives.

According to Sarkar, the promotion of nanotechnology among students was another program that we followed seriously, and today 330 promotion organizations are active in the field of students in the whole country, and 88 laboratories have provided their services to high schools in the country.

Referring to the activities carried out in the student field, the secretary of the nanotechnology development headquarters said: The headquarters is trying to empower students in this field so that after graduation they can have their own start-up and knowledge-based companies. . The achievement of this type of approach is the formation of 35 startups and 600 student technologists in the country.

He evaluated the country's scientific development in the field of nanotechnology as good and said: We are trying to use these achievements in the development of technology and offer technologies to the world that no other country has achieved and Iran will be the flagship of these products.

Sarkar called the connection of supply to the market and industry another achievement of this headquarters and stated: In this program, we connect the capabilities of knowledge-based companies to industrial needs, which in 5 years leads to receiving 4,500 real requests from the industry side, 800 definitive contracts have been concluded between technologists and industries.

He also stated: According to the plans, we planned to increase the exports of companies with export capabilities to 1 billion dollars by 2025, but unfortunately, the intensification of sanctions, the spread of Corona, and the reduction of the budget; The realization of this goal has faced serious buts and ifs.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 89103

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