  • Sep 21 2020 - 14:48
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Creativities Will Decrease Corona Challenges for Children

Eliminating the COVID-19 challenges for children and adolescents is a subject that led to the joint cooperation of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and UNICEF.

The psychological effects of Corona disease penetrated the community due to the widespread use of virtual networks. Families and children who live in fear of the disease, and the daily broadcast of baseless news, adds to these concerns. Therefore, sanitizing the inflamed atmosphere of the society is a necessity for different strata.

The National Award for Innovative Strategies for Solving the Challenges of Children and Adolescents with the theme of COVID-19 is also held with the aim of developing creative solutions in the fields of education, nutrition, health, physical and mental health, child protection, economy and environment, culture, recreation and sports.

Laying the foundation for wide and available virtual education, designing digital health systems, supporting children against cyber bully, providing skill-related solutions for adolescents, innovation flicks, cost-effective and social innovations, and other solutions using basic and emerging technologies are some ways considered in the national reward.

Participation in the technological event is extended to October 21st, 2020, and those interested in participating in the event can sent their creative and technological solutions to the secretariat.

The top projects will be technically and financially supported by UNICEF and the Vice-Presidency.

Please click here to submit your innovative projects and read details about the call.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs



  • News group : NEWS,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center
  • News code : 70151

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