  • Sep 12 2020 - 13:52
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Continuation of Iran's Superior Performance in Technology Development and Science Production; The Foundation Is Laid for Production Leap

The latest global innovation index (GII) report has shown Iran’s moving forward in the path of science production. The number of scientific publications, higher education, intellectual properties and industrial production of Iran show the improvements of Iran and necessities to realize the production leap and realization of economy of resistance.

The global innovation index report (2020) was published by the international intellectual properties organization on September 2nd, 2020, showing recent statistics on Iran's position among the world's science producers. The mentioned report evaluates 131 countries using a balanced framework. Iran is ranked second among 10 countries in the Central and South Asian region.

In this region, India (48th), Iran (67th) and Kazakhstan (77th) are ranked first to third, respectively. Iran is also ranked 19th among 37 middle- and upper-income countries. The noteworthy point in this report about Iran is Iran's continuation in the path of science production. The fact that the situation of the country has improved in the indicators related to scientific publications, higher education, registration of intellectual property and industrial production at the international level.


The list of these indicators and Iran's ranking in them is presented in the following table:

Significant Performance of Registering Iranian Intellectual Property in the World

Indicators of intellectual property are considered as one of the most important strengths of Iran and the country is at a high level in this regard. In fact, Iran has significantly higher rates, compared to regional countries. For instance, Iran is ranked 1st in terms of the indicator of “the number of applications for trademark registration”, while countries of Turkey, the Zionist regime, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar are ranked 17th, 105th, 111th, and 125th, respectively.

Iran’s Excellent Position in Scientific Production

Iran has a young, motivated and educated population at the level of higher education, which has created a very good situation for the country in terms of human capital, including "the share of basic science and engineering graduates in the total number of higher education graduates" with a rank of 3 and "registration rate of higher education" with a 31st rank. These indicators reflect the country's readiness to develop technology and innovation, and in a word, the leap of production without any restrictions.

For example, in the index of enrollment in higher education in the region, countries such as Saudi Arabia, the Zionist regime and Kuwait are ranked 32, 42 and 54, respectively, which are not far from Iran.

Production with Advanced Technology

Another aspect of Iran's good performance at the international level is the "share of mid-tech and advanced products in total national production", where Iran is ranked 26th, which is a better situation compared to most countries in the region such as Saudi Arabia (33rd), Qatar (36th). And Turkey (ranked 42nd).

The availability of capital and, more precisely, the investment made in the country in productive economic sectors is a necessity for its production and leap. In the "capital formation rate" index, which shows the share of new investment in the country in GDP, Iran is ranked 10th in the world, which is also a favorable situation compared to other countries in the region.

The Proper Domestic Market for Innovation and Technology

Finally, the "domestic market size" index, which is the per capita GDP and Iran's appropriate ranking, refers to Iran being ranked 18th and among the moderate and high-income economies, showing the advantage of the large domestic market for technology and innovation. This fact shows the very high potential capacity of the country's domestic demand for industrial and innovative production. A capacity that paves the way for a leap in production and the realization of an economy of resistance.

Comparison of Iran's ranking in scientific publications, higher education, intellectual property registration and industrial production with countries in the region and selected emerging economies

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


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