  • May 13 2020 - 12:25
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Call to Identify and Analyze the Behaviors of the Iranian Society in Corona Crisis; Elites Will Be Supported

Call to Identify and Analyze the Behaviors of the Iranian Society in Corona Crisis; Elites Will Be Supported


“Recognizing and analyzing the discourse and behavior of Iranian society in the corona crisis” is the title of a national call to study and analyze the discourse and mentality of the Iranian society in corona crisis and help design the next stages to pass this stage.

In this call, the cornerstone of a new model of elite participation in drawing the situation, discourse, behavior and mentality of the Iranian society is placed to influence the important decisions of the country.

In this model, the country"s research and expert teams present the results of their scientific analysis, which relies on the processing of general and large data fields, for decision-making.

The call is made in two stages. The first stage starts on May 16th, 2020 and will end on June 16th, 2020. At this stage, based on cyberspace data, teams call for modeling, analysis, and interpretation of results in line with the objectives, and focus on data and public news on social networks and sites.

In the second stage of the call, which will start on August 22nd, 2020 and a maximum of three top teams will be supported to develop their results by entering parallel information.

In this call, the data collection includes 25 million posts and news published in cyberspace with the focus on corona. This content has been extracted from the public channels of Telegram, public pages of Instagram and Twitter, as well as internal news published online, since the beginning of February.

Experts in the fields of data science, intelligent systems and text mining systems, cognitive sciences, social sciences, psychology, economics and other departments in the form of academic teams, companies, active institutions and specialized teams can participate in this call and present their proposal to participate in the first stage. To this end, proposals should be sent until June 6th, 2020.

In this call, valuable prizes have been considered, including the provision of part of the processing costs for the processing of all data and selected teams.

Supporting and financing the acceleration course for specialized and academic teams to become a knowledge-based company up to 20 million Tomans and also supporting companies up to 100 million Tomans in the form of interest-free loans to create and develop a data mining department. It is possible to sign a contract with the top three teams to continue the path and develop and deepen the analysis using parallel data.

The judgement team includes experts of different fields and evaluation of proposals will be carried out under the supervision of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and the cognitive sciences and technologies development headquarter. For more information, please refer to

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center
  • News code : 50998

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