  • Aug 27 2018 - 13:58
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By the National Cartographic Surveillance Lab;

Brain and Recognition School will be held for students.

Brain and Recognition School will be held for students.

The 7th Summer School of Brain and Cognition for students in the field of brain mapping is held by the National Cartographic Surveillance Lab.

According to the Information Center for the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology, National Cartographic Surveillance Lab will hold the 7th Summer School of Brain and Cognition in cooperation with the Iranian Society of Neurosciences and the support of the Chancellery for the Development of Cognitive Science and Technology on September 1-6, 2018.

The school aiming to enhance the capabilities of high school students across the country by discussing basic and cognitive neuroscience issues, will hold brain mapping and learning the general skills required for research, including problem-solving, drafting, poster making and presentation techniques in this area.

The school, special for primary and secondary school pupils throughout the country, with the presence of prominent professors in neuroscience and cognitive science at the top universities, presents along with group and practical activities, including neural tissue histology, anatomy of the nervous system, research methods in neuroscience, physiology, electrophysiology, brain mapping, artificial intelligence, sensation and perception, memory and learning, strategies for improving cognitive functions, cognitive aspects of psychiatric diseases and neurology , Cognitive games, neuropsychological awareness, team building with the neuroscience approach.

Finally, evaluations will be carried out as a practical exercise by the students in assessing the quality of the summer school"s effectiveness. And a credible certificate will be presented from the National Brain Mobility Laboratory and the Iranian Neuroscience Association.

Refer to for registration and more information on the website of the National Brain Mobility Laboratory.

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  • News code : 37240


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