  • Feb 27 2019 - 14:07
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Technology achievements will create power in the country

Technology achievements will create power in the country

The vice president for science and technology affairs stated: the Vice-Presidency and the area of soft power and relevant achievements create power in the country. Therefore, in the past few years, we have made efforts to change the attitude of the society, direction of university and public culture toward establishing a suitable environment for knowledge, innovation and creativity of human resources.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, attended the meeting of economy of resistance of the province in the second part of his travel to Qazvin. In this meeting, which was held in the presence of the governor, heads of science and technology parks, provincial elites foundations and a number of managers of universities of research and science centers and technology units, the attendees talked about the previous efforts and future necessities for promoting the ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Treasure of Young Human Resources

The vice president for science and technology affairs pointed out the statement of the Supreme Leader entitled the second step, and regarded attention to creative and motivated youth and human resources as the most important asset propelling the knowledge-based economy. He added: more than 100 thousand academics exist in Qazvin, which shows its capacity in affecting the economy and solving problems of the community and entrepreneurship. In the beginning of the Islamic revolution, Iran had a total of 160 thousand students, which has now increased to more than four and a half million. Therefore, the country that has this capacity of human resources must have more apparent enhancements, compared to countries without this level of human resources.  

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, when we talk about knowledge-based economy, we mean the economy that is based on the creative and young human resources, who have innovation and create transformation. Our university must be able to train this human resources. By doing so, not only four million students of the country are not a threat and there is no concern regarding their occupations and life, but also they change their idea into jobs in an entrepreneurial environment, create wealth and cause problems in the society.

Expanding the Carpet of the Ecosystem of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Sattari expressed that there is no country in the world that depends on underground resources and crude selling and has a flourished economy. In this respect, he added: reliance on underground revenues cannot pave the way toward prosperity. If we care about our children, we must understand their creativity and ideas completely.


Mentioning the latest visit of achievements of startups and knowledge-based companies by the president, Sattari conveyed: fortunately, our president has currently visited the science and technology parks and expressed his content with the development of ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship since several companies have shown their role in the economy by creating or selling thousand billion tomans. This has been realized by allocating a special place to knowledge-based companies and startups and supporting the flourishing of creativities.

Strong Position of Knowledge-based and startups

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, there are more than 4200 knowledge-based companies and thousands of startups with a revenue of 60 thousand billion tomans in last year. These companies are re-assessed every two-three years, which turns the dynamics and updated nature of the knowledge-based economy into an inseparable part of the knowledge-based economy.

The vice president for science and technology affairs regarded the resistance of bureaucratic and oil structures to innovation to be inevitable and caused by the inappropriate oil culture.

Sattari continued: technology parks and innovation factories are some successful examples of this trend. Today, the innovation factory has been formed in the capital and its importance will increase until the end of May with the occupation of more than three thousand and 500 youth. We have the duty to implement models for flourishing of creativity of the youth and change their wishes and unlimited demands to more than government recruitment and a behind-a-desk job since the innovation of human beings is the most valuable blessing granted by God and must be used in the best way possible.

The vice president for science and technology affairs considered the development of research and technology funds of provinces in science and technology parks as a proper model for financial support of projects. The Iranian national science foundation provides facilities to knowledge-based businesses in various forms. In addition, National Development Fund of Iran provides large amounts with 4% more discount. However, the research and technology fund of the province must be shaped to support the new seedlings of startups or technology units based in growth centers and accelerators.

Visit of Technology Units

In another part of this travel to Qazvin province, Sattari visited the technology units based in science and technology parks, growth centers and technology units of Imam Khomeini International University and SYNTECH technology and innovation center.

Sattari visited 17 technology units based in the science and technology park of Qazvin.

During this visit, the activists of technology units and knowledge-based companies working in fields of base micropropagation of fruit trees, Nano Danesh Caspian working in the field of nanoparticle synthesis, Amid Pouya Pardaz Co., producer of electrical safety equipment, Alborz Knowledge-based Co., presenter of laboratory, counseling and research services in the field of food industry, cosmetics and cellulose, Mobin Etesal Aseman Co., producer of automation software, Basa Pars Industry Co., designer of the idea to change the timing of the valves, Tom Locomotive Aria, producer of locomotive equipment, Rosht Sanat Nirou, designer and manufacturer of electrical engines, Kimiagaran Mo’oud, producer of glue, Niroo Mohareke Industrial Co., active in designing and producing automatic gearbox, Bahrevar Mashin Alborz, designer and manufacturer of tunnel-like brick ovens, Iran Stabilizers, Abzarsazan Alborz, tunnel making machine and Ab Ara of Qazvin introduced their abilities and achievements and shared their technological needs and concerns with the vice president.



 Visiting the SYNTECH technology and innovation center was another part of this program. This research center with interdisciplinary research approach has been established with the cooperation of two electronics and management and accounting schools in interdisciplinary fields of cognitive sciences, such as artificial intelligence, brain-computer interface (BCI), nervous marketing (neurotransmitter), neural leadership (neurodevelopment), and cognitive robotics.

SYNTECH has various sections to move toward the knowledge and technology borders of robotics, including robotic science hub, car center, center for growth, center for management and productivity, accelerator, as well as center for intelligent systems and cognitive science. Activists of the units based in the SYNTECH showcased their achievements in the presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs.

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