  • Sep 15 2019 - 22:44
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Sattari among an Indonesian Delegation:

A new generation of entrepreneurs is injected into the business environment of Iran

A new generation of entrepreneurs is injected into the business environment of Iran

The vice president for science and technology affairs met with the minister of health of Indonesia, as well as the deputies and managers of ministry of health of this country and emphasized the injection of a new generation of entrepreneurs into the business environment of Iran. In this regard, he stated: various startups have been formed in different scientific areas, such as nanotechnology and biotechnology.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, pointed out in a meeting with Nila Moeloek, the minister of health of Indonesia: a new business space has been formed in Iran more than five years, the main basis of which is human resources and their ideas.

The Goal of the Vice-Presidency is Realizing the Knowledge-based Economy

The president for the national elites foundation emphasized the efforts made by the Vice-Presidency to realize the knowledge-based economy, affirming: it has been five years since we have aimed to replace the oil-based economy with knowledge-based economy.

Sattari mentioned the progress made in the field of health and treatment in Iran, asserting: currently, more than 97% of the domestic drugs are produced inside the country, which shows pharmaceutical independence of Iran despite the political and economic sanctions against this country in the past decades. Formation of the largest biotechnology firms in the Middle East in Iran has been the result of these sanctions.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter also emphasized: Iran is fully prepared to take the lead in exporting medical products and equipment and transferring technology to Indonesia. Our job is to build a bridge between Iranian professors, students, and companies with other countries to enhance interaction between them.

The vice president for science and technology affairs continued: Iran can transfer its pharmaceutical technologies and medical equipment with a high quality at a low cost, which will increase the cooperation between the two countries.

Transfer of nanotechnology from Iran to Indonesia is essential

Nila Moeloek, the minister of health of Indonesia, pointed out the progress of Iran in various scientific fields, stating: our visit to Iran is a follow-up to the agreements reached between the two countries in recent years.

She added: on this trip, we visited the advancements made in the field of medicine in Iran, especially pharmaceutical nano-technology. We hope that these advancements could be soon transferred to our country.

Moeloek asserted: Indonesia is prepared to receive the advanced technologies of Iran in the nanotechnology field in the area of health.

Full Support of Science and Technology Cooperation Office in Jakarta

Saeed Sarkar, the secretary of the nanotechnology development headquarter, pointed out the success of the Vice-Presidency in terms of establishment of a nanotechnology center in Indonesia, stating: this center will be soon opened in Indonesia and will increase the cooperation of the two countries in the nano field.

He also added: different negotiations have been conducted between Iranian and Indonesian knowledge-based companies in the field of nano-drugs and medical equipment during this trip. It is hoped that pharmaceutical products and technologies and medical equipment will soon be exchanged between the two countries. 

Transfer of Cancer Drug Technology from Iran to Indonesia

Mostafa Ghanei, the secretary of the biotechnology development headquarter, pointed out the progress of Iran in the field of manufacturing anticancer drugs and biologics, expressing: Iran is fully prepared to transfer the technology of production drugs to Indonesia.

He continued: currently, 22 bio drugs are produced in the country, and 500 knowledge-based companies are active in this area, eight of which have been introduced as the largest pharmaceutical companies.

In the end of the meeting, an agreement was singed on transfer of technology of producing five human vaccines from Indonesia to Iran. Another export agreement and transfer of technology of nanotechnology products from Iran to Indonesia was signed by the minister of health of Indonesia and nanotechnology development headquarter.

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center
  • News code : 46438


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