  • Jun 13 2018 - 14:13
  • 198
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
Strategic Commission of the Supreme Space Council;

A draft road map of the countrys space development was reviewed.

A draft road map of the countrys space development was reviewed.


The draft road map of the country"s space development was reviewed in the presence of the minister of information.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the need to define the objectives and prospects of the spatial sector of the country until 2020 vision was emphasized on the 18th meeting of strategic commission of the supreme space council.

In the meeting, Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, the minister of information and communication technologies, stated: realization of space goals of the country requires determining a specific plan along with clarification of role of players of the field to realize these goals.

He pointed out the extensive use of space technology in the modern world and its role in solving various problems in a country, asserting: today, our country is faced with many problems in the area of water and land use change. Therefore, space development program must be provided to solve these problems.

In addition, it was emphasized that the space roadmap must have a definite executive plan until 2020. Determining the executive processes makes it possible to monitor the process and report project progress status by the secretariat of the space supreme council.

The prepared document must be regulated in proportion to the actualities and conditions of the country and the space section. In this regard, extensive measures have been taken into account to make this technology applicable.

In this meeting, Morteza Barari, head of the space organization of the country, presented a report on the measures taken to design the space roadmap of the country. Moreover, some members of the council expressed their opinions about the issue.


  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 35143


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