  • Jul 25 2020 - 14:56
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A Good Day in Hamedan; Five Innovation Centers Will Be Opened

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, traveled to Hamedan, one of the oldest cities of the world. The travel was associated with opening five innovation centers, one specialized accelerator and a science and technology park in Hamedan. This was a good day in Hamedan.

Today, the presence of Sattari in Hamedan, the capital of Iranian history and civilization, led to great things in the innovation and technology ecosystem of the city.

The first part of the travel of the vice president for science and technology affairs visited Alvan Sabet Knowledge-based Co. and Hamedan Barzegar Machine Co.

Afterwards, he visited the research and education institute of agriculture and natural resources of Hamedan, where he visited the exhibition of products of the innovation center known as “new agricultural technologies”.

In addition, he visited the new place of the province’s science and technology park with an area of 210,000 square meters, the first phase of which was opened in the presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs. Overall, 40 knowledge-based companies are based in the center, and an exhibition of more than 100 technological products has been held. In addition, two accelerators are established in the building.

The next part of the travel included attending the ceremony of allocating the lands of the park to knowledge-based companies. In total, 15 hectares of land in the form of 172 pieces of land have been considered, five hectares of which (62 pieces) will be assigned in the first phase.

In addition, the research and technology fund of Hamedan was opened, which is a financial arm of the park and performs activities such as giving loans and financial guarantees to knowledge-based companies.

In addition, five innovation centers were opened in the presence of Sattari through video conferences.

Malayer Grape and Raisin Innovation Center is one of the centers to be opened in the University of Malayer. Cooperative Innovation Center, Social Innovation Center, Nahavand Innovation Center and Lalejin Pottery and Ceramic Innovation Center are other centers that are supposed to operate in each of the mentioned fields with the establishment of knowledge-based companies and startups.

Ekbatan Noavaran Accelerator was also opened, which will eliminate the needs of Ekbatan Gas Control Co. with the help of five specialized teams.

Meeting with the Friday Imam and the representative of the supreme leader in the province and visiting the technological achievements of Bu Ali Sina university, and Hamedan University of Medical Sciences and attending the meeting of knowledge-based economy and production leap were other parts of the travel.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

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