  • Jun 22 2021 - 16:31
  • 314
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

950 Iranian specialists abroad were recruited in Iranian companies; Knowledge capacities returned to the country

950 Iranian specialists and entrepreneurs abroad joined knowledge-based and creative companies to connect their scientific potential to the domestic needs of the country.

The employment of 950 Iranian specialists abroad in domestic knowledge-based and creative companies is the result of a cooperation program with Iranian specialists and entrepreneurs abroad ( Capacities who migrated in the hope of achieving more success and today were encouraged to return to Iran by providing the facilities and benefits of this program.

According to the latest UNESCO 2021 Science Report on "Study of Science, Technology and Innovation in Iran" published in June 2021 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as one of the symbols of the growth of ecological indicators Technology and innovation introduced. A program that has employed a large number of Iranians living abroad in startups and the establishment of knowledge-based and creative companies.

According to the latest statistics provided by the implementation of this program, 950 Iranian professionals and entrepreneurs abroad have been employed in knowledge-based and creative companies. Work that has led to the development of technology and innovation ecosystem in the country and has provided space and conditions for the return of these people and knowledge capacities to the country.

The formation of 320 companies by these people is another benefit and good thing that has happened after the implementation of this program and the provision of support and facilities to Iranian professionals and entrepreneurs abroad. An issue that has helped facilitate the entry of technology and innovation into the country and benefit communities and industries from the capabilities and capacity of these people.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 76581

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