  • Feb 3 2020 - 12:38
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With the Support of the Innovation Accelerator of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;

55 accelerators are established

55 accelerators are established

During the press conference of Pardis Summit 2020, the head of the innovation accelerator stated: the accelerator of the Vice-Presidency has created about 55 accelerators.

The Innovation Accelerator

Mahdi Azimian, the head of the innovation accelerator, stated on the press conference of Pardis Summit 2020: the innovation accelerator is an administrative arm to support the innovation and technology ecosystem. The center was established in 2014 by the Vice-Presidency and its responsibility has been allocated to Pardis Technology Park.

Sustainable Startups

He continued: “promotion of the entrepreneurship culture” and “helping the establishment of sustainable startups” are two main goals of the innovation accelerator, which has also put the organization of entrepreneurial events on its agenda in line with the promotion of entrepreneurship culture.

Material and Spiritual Support

Pointing out the important activities of the center, Azimian marked: since the establishment of the innovation accelerator, about 55 accelerators have been established with the help of the center. The center supports its approved accelerators in both material and spiritual dimensions. In the material realm, it offers space-saving facilities whose cost varies depending on geographic and geographical scope.

Grants for Accelerators

Pointing out the support provided by the Vice-Presidency, he continued: for every successful accelerator output, which means any successful startup that results from the accelerator"s effort, up to 20 startups will be provided a grant by the accelerator. In the spiritual field, assistance is also provided to accelerators, including credit support, such as assisting in obtaining endorsements, the executive team, and so on.

Joint Workspace

Azimian pointed out the evolution process of the center since its establishment, adding: one of the most recent responsibilities of the innovation accelerator added to its agenda is supporting shared workspaces.

The necessary regulations have been prepared and implemented. The center will help the managers of shared workspaces in two areas. Support is also provided in the area of supplying and equipping shared spaces. Moreover, the shared workspaces will receive grants for each person based in the center.

Pardis Summit 2020

Seyed Davoud Motevali, the executive secretary of Pardis Summit 2020, added: since the start of the work of the innovation accelerator to this day, the center has supported 500 entrepreneurial events. This year, there has been a gap in terms of an event to be acquainted with the holders of the event in interaction with other players.

According to the executive secretary of Pardis Summit 2020: the innovation accelerator has decided to hold the “Pardis Summit” event, which was first entitled as “Pardis Startup Gathering”. The goal of the summit is sharing, increasing synergy, educating and creating fun activities for the participants.

Qualitative Improvement

The secretary of Pardis Summit 2020 announced the introduction of the best event holder in 2019, stating: after several years of supporting entrepreneurial events, we decided that it is the time to improve the quality of the events. Therefore, a needs assessment will be held on the events approved by the innovation accelerator. The results of this process will hold the center and event holders to improve their quality.

The Pardis Summit 2020 will be held February 13th-14th, 2020 at Pardis Technology Park.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation
  • News code : 49200


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