  • Sep 14 2020 - 14:49
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30 Million Views; Cartoonists Fought the Corona Artistically

Corona outbreak at the end of the Persian year of 98 surprised everyone in the country. It was an unknown disease from a known family that had no treatments. The disease was associated with health, economic and social problems and quarantined people. However, the artists of the country were not inactive and published a call for all artists of the world, asking all of them to participate in the “International Cartoon and Caricature Competition of: We Will Defeat Corona”.

During the chaos caused by the corona disease, everyone participated in the process to decrease a part of physical, financial and spiritual damages caused by the disease. Medical staff, academics, artists, people and government agencies, and the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy have played a role in this regard by establishing “CoronaPlus Movement” as a technological step. The “International Cartoon and Caricature Competition of: We Will Defeat Corona” is held for the same purpose.

Widely Welcome of the Event by Artists Around the World

From the very first days, unprecedented amounts of work were received from the artists of the world, in a way that in 40 days, more than 4,200 works from 923 artists from 88 countries were sent to the secretariat through cyberspace. Statistics are noteworthy for a humanitarian event. The fact that Iran entered the art world as the first country to represent the global issue of the corona outbreak was also a matter of concern.

Most participants were from Iran (437), Turkey (83), and China (74). Latin America also participated in the event with works from Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. European artists from Russia, Serbia, Spain, Ukraine and Italy also took part in the competition.

The secretary of the event is Masoud Shojaei Tabatabaei from Soure Honar in collaboration with the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy, the ministry of health, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, association of visual arts of the revolution and holy defense, Revayat-e Fath Cultural and Artistic Foundation, Ehsan-e Barekat Foundation, the ministry of culture and Islamic guidance, IGap virtual network, and Sepehr Soureh Honar.

The various stages of judging and closing the competition were held virtually and live. The first-place winner received € 1,500, the second-place winner received € 1,000 and the third-place winner received € 500, along with a statuette. Also, due to the special participation of Iranian artists in this event, seven other people were awarded two million tomans.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs



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