  • Sep 12 2017 - 14:56
  • 308
  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
By Iran National Science Foundation of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;

20 post-doctoral dissertations will be supported.

20 post-doctoral dissertations will be supported.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, support of 20 post-doctoral dissertations will be implemented by Iran national science foundation in the form of a memorandum of cooperation with Tarbiat Modarres University.

According to this report, a cooperation agreement was signed between the foundation and Tarbiat Modarres University last year, according to which the mentioned organizations will cooperate in implementation of post-doctoral research projects in line with research policies and priorities announced by the university and foundation. These projects will now be implemented.

According to the circular of this agreement, Tarbiat Modarres University will be committed to conduct the necessary assessments of topic of post-doctoral dissertations, host professor, researcher and output of each project, which is prepared in the form of approved forms of the foundation. Following that, the confirmed projects are delivered to the foundation with the required documents. In the next stage, the foundation will determine an observer, amount of supported sum, and duration of the project, delivering the approved projects to the workgroup of the foundation, which is formed of the head of the related workgroup and an expert. After the approval of the project by the workgroup, a specialized committee will be formed at the foundation for final confirmation of the project.

Moreover, the intellectual property of the results is mutual and the technical knowledge, which is a part of the results, will be equally allocated to the foundation, university and researcher.


Furthermore, Iran national science foundation has defined a support program for post-doctoral courses in line with its missions, aiming to help the development of research infrastructures in the country in order to use the research potentials of universities to perform prioritized and demand-oriented projects through holding courses to develop the human infrastructure of research in the country. In this regard, post-doctoral projects are presented in two national and international forms. National post-doctoral degree is provided for Iranian PhD candidates in the country, whereas international post-doctoral degree is given to PhD candidates, who are residents of other countries, aiming to stimulate students to return to their homeland or transfer a part of their research achievements from the source university to the universities of Iran. It is noteworthy that these students must be graduated from universities or research centers approved by the ministry of science of Iran. 

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 27314


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