  • Apr 17 2021 - 14:24
  • 434
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160 Iranian inventions were registered internationally

The Patent Office of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has so far supported the registration of 160 patents in reputable international offices.

As the presence of knowledge-based products in international patent markets has become very important these days, we should consider this action valuable in the Patent Center of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology.

More than 2,140 inventors submitted their patent applications to the center's system, of which 352 cases were approved in the content evaluation. Also, 304 applications have been published in reputable foreign patent offices and 207 applications are under the PCT agreement.

 The center supports inventors more than 90% in the process of international patents. Therefore, with the action of the center, we can communicate directly with the legal centers and reputable offices of countries for patents. On the other hand, patents, in addition to the difficulty of the path, have high costs for the inventor and having this support is a great help to inventors.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center
  • News code : 73929

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