  • Aug 1 2017 - 14:36
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134 Occupation Standards in the Field of Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Medicine Are Operated.

134 Occupation Standards in the Field of Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Medicine Are Operated.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Mohammad Hassan Osareh stated on 101 meeting of council members of medicinal herbs and traditional medicine: given the expectations in the national medicinal plants document, one of the policies of this headquarter is encouraging the country to invest in patents of this field.

He continued: fortunately, nanotechnology development headquarter has taken a significant step toward development of this field by establishing Iran patent association. We have aimed to make improvements in this area with the help of council members of medicinal herbs and traditional medicine of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs.

In this regard, Iran patent association, which is regarded as one of the organizations of the Vice-Presidency, and its presentable services and facilities were fully explained in this meeting.

One of the most important necessities for entering new technologies to the market is ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights and proofing the ownership of individuals or innovative companies.

Lack of attention to regulations of intellectual property in domestic and international markets could have many damages, such as enclosure of technology in the target market.

“Iran patent association” has aimed to establish active units in the form of a centered unit by considering the needs of the country in terms of intellectual property.

With the agreement of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, this association is responsible for intellectual properties issues, especially patent registration, in all science and technology fields.

Some of the goals of Iran patent association include improvement of scientific rank of Iran, maintenance of intellectual properties of technologists or innovative companies, wealth creation from intellectual property and creation of market for these patents, guidance of research centers and companies toward registrable innovations in domestic and foreign markets and development of expert human resource in the field of intellectual property.

According to the definition by global organization of intellectual property, patent is an exclusive right, which is given to inventors. In other words, patent is a document describes an invention that has the necessary conditions to be registered.

These patent registrations are carried out in specific geographic areas (according to the demands of applicants), and are valid in a specific time duration. At the end, legal supports and the ability of implement the patent (production, selling or license transfer) will be provided for inventors.

Ebrahimi continued: in this regard, 134 occupational standards were approved and implemented after the conclusion of an agreement with technical and professional organization of the country. In addition, an agreement was made with the ministry of education to promote entrepreneurial packages, which reached 35 packages and could increase to 100.

Pointing out the agreement with Astan Quds Razavi, he asserted: given the significantly high and appropriate capacity of this center, a workgroup was formed, which has suggested 12 specific recommendations for technology development.


In another part of the meeting, Mahdi Eliasi, deputy for policy making and evaluating of the Vice-Presidency, presented a standard mandate for balanced missions of technology development headquarters of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs. 

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  • News code : 26301


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